11 Bad Bosses That Are Bad News for Employee Retention
Do you have an employee retention problem? Notice a spike in staff exits in a particular department? Anticipating a coup at some point? You may very well have one of these bad bosses on your payroll and need to address the matter sooner rather than later in order to… Read More

Quits are on the Rise: Do You Have a Revolving Door of Talent?
In May, the US Economy added 223,000 jobs and national unemployment reached a low of 3.8% (an 18-year low). There were 6.6 million job openings with the number of quits at 3.6 million (a rate of 2.4%). When the economy and job market were weak during the recession, workers were… Read More

Vermont Labor Law Poster Update
A newly enacted law in Vermont provides certain workplace protections for victims of crimes. The Vermont Human Rights Commission published the Vermont Protections for Victims of Crime notice, which adds language to include crime victims under the list of protected classes for Vermont’s Fair Employment Practices Act and thus protects… Read More

Don’t Fly Blind with Your Executive Compensation Under the TCJA
One often neglected area when employers review their current employee pay plans against changes under the Tax Cuts and Job Act (TCJA) is executive compensation. Two types of remuneration in particular that are frequently used by employers to attract, retain and provide monetary performance incentives for their executives, c-suite and… Read More

Boomerang Employees: Catch Them on Their Return or Let Them Pass?
In the current market where talent is hard to come by, would you and should you consider returning employees? Whether you call them boomerang employees or comeback kids, everyone has a different take on whether or not hiring back an ex-employee is a good idea or a bad one. In… Read More

HR Summer Forecast: Potential ICE Storms – Get Your I-9s in Order!
Many in New Hampshire know that there is always potential for ice on top of Mt. Washington at the Observatory even in the summer months. Now officials are predicting an increased likelihood for ICE of a different sort this summer – nationwide Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)… Read More

Today’s Lesson: Youth Employment Recruiting and Compliance
With Memorial Day having marked the unofficial start of summer, many employers are hoping to benefit from an influx in the availability of minor employees at the close of the school year to help fill seasonal jobs and/or entry-level roles for which it has been difficult to find available candidates… Read More

Maine Labor Law Alert: New Posting Requirement
The Maine Department of Labor has issued an update to its Labor Law Posting requirements. The change includes a Stop Human Trafficking notice, which will become a mandatory posting requirement effective August 2, 2018. The revision date for the posting is May 24, 2018. A copy of the new posting… Read More

EEO-1 Reporting Deadline Extended: When, Who, What and How Do You Report?
EEO-1 filings for 2017 were previously required to be completed by March 31, 2018, but the deadline was extended to Friday, June 1, 2018. In the past, the reports were submitted in September; however, when the Obama Administration added expanded pay data to be included as part… Read More

6 Tips for Recruiting in the World of Skilled Labor Shortages
While a low unemployment rate can create a great boost for the economy and thus strong business growth, for many employers it also translates to trouble in finding enough workers to keep up with growing business demands. After decades of pushing would-be workers entering the workforce toward a career paths… Read More