Workforce Analytics: Accurate, Comprehensive and Real Time Data for the Most Informed Decisions
Reducing employee turnover and the high cost of recruiting and training while driving to get the greatest productivity from your current employees and keeping them happy is a great balancing act needed to support the bottom line. Having a software solution with in-depth labor data feeding you workforce analytics and reporting provides you with the tools to to identify trends, assess cost-savings and productivity improvements as well as manage and measure company goals and profitability.
Checkmate HCM is a total Workforce Management solution from Kronos that is a single-database platform capturing information for each employee in a single record allowing limitless access to data for building queries on single employees, production teams or the workforce as a whole. Our intuitive dashboards provide you with real-time insight of workforce analytics for that day, week, month or year and lets you compare historical data for the same period. Whether you need information for forecasting or real-time decision making, we’ve got you covered. If you are looking for accurate payroll software and services, comprehensive time and attendance tracking, streamlined HRIS workflows and ACA compliance, contact us today and we’ll help you build the best solution and walk you through our additional service offerings to aid you in ensuring your company and workforce stay in compliance.