2018 Upcoming Legislative Changes Affecting Payroll Tax Calculation
As is often the case when we turn the page to a new calendar year, new laws and regulations take effect that dictate how payroll taxes (also known as withholding taxes) are calculated. Below are some of the upcoming changes that will become effective in the new year: Federal Legislative… Read More

Could Tip Pooling Law Changes Affect Your Payroll?
On July 20, 2017, the US Department of Labor announced plans to rescind regulations limiting which staff members restaurant owners could include in tip pooling arrangements. Under the previous 2011 stipulation, “back of the house” employees such as cooks and dishwashers, could not participate in employee tip pools. The restriction… Read More

Update to Mandatory New Hampshire Labor Law Posters
To inform employees of their rights and remedies available pursuant to New Hampshire law, the state requires employers to post in conspicuous areas within their place of employment the following mandatory labor law posters: Workers’ Compensation Law (obtain from insurance carrier) Protective Legislation Law Criteria… Read More

NH Wage Law Update: Bi-Weekly Pay Permitted After July 11, 2017, Without NHDOL Approval
Effective July 11, 2017, employers will no longer need to seek approval from the NH Department of Labor if they wish to pay employees on a bi-weekly basis instead of weekly. HB 194 amended RSA 275:43 to change the required payment of wages from “within 8 days including Sunday after… Read More

New York Sees the Value of Paid Family Leave: What You Need To Know for July 1, 2017
New York State is leading the way by implementing the country’s strongest and most comprehensive Paid Family Leave policy. While the ability for employees to take Paid Family Leave does not become available until January 1, 2018, employers will begin deducting this expense from employee pay starting July 1st. Read More

Justice Department Warns Against Failure to Comply with Federal Employment Tax Laws
On Tuesday, April 18th, the Justice Department issued a strong reminder to warn employers of the significant consequences that come with willful failure to comply with all Federal Employment Tax Laws. The Justice Department takes such violations very seriously, as indicated by the title of their… Read More

What is a Section 125 Plan, Anyway? And How Does It Affect Our Payroll?
Clients frequently contact us to report that they are implementing a new benefit plan that will require voluntary deductions from employee paychecks as part of their payroll processing services. When something like this comes up, we ask clients should this deduction be pre-tax or post-tax? Almost invariably, they advise that it should be a… Read More

Labor and Employment Law Basics
All employers need to be aware of the labor laws and be in compliance with all payroll, employee time tracking and other labor rules. The cost of non-compliance can be quite steep. The information provided in this article attempts to create awareness of some of the more… Read More

Gain Your Competitive Advantage through Outsourced Payroll
Most companies exist for a specific reason – because they are uniquely able to produce a product or deliver a service that there is demand for. As business evolves, new industries are created when the market demand for a service is broad enough to motivate one or more companies to… Read More

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Year-End
I hope that 2016 has been a productive and successful year for you and your organization. It certainly has been an interesting one, and it looks like we can expect more of the same (“interesting-ness”) in 2017. If nothing else, I think that it would… Read More