It Is So Much More Than Just Processing a Payroll
For millions of Americans, Friday is often synonymous with payday. But whether payday falls at the end of the week, the beginning or somewhere in between, payday is a day we all look forward to and rely upon. Very few of us work for free and the majority of us count on payday for more than just a recognition of the hard work we put in during the pay period. Payday means being able to make our mortgage/rent, student loan other bill payments; buy groceries; pay medical bills; get special gifts for loved ones; adopt/care for a new furry family member and/or sign the kids up for swim lessons and purchase soccer gear. It helps us plan for the future by letting us set money aside for that long-awaited family vacation, all-important college tuition fund or our own retirements. Payday is the livelihood of every employee and his or her family.
We sometimes hear horror stories about trusted payroll firms not upholding their fiduciary responsibilities to their clients and subsequently those clients’ employees as well as their own – missing paydays, defaulting on tax payments, suddenly shuttering their business and leaving unanswered questions and thousands of individuals without their hard-earned pay and livelihoods. The far-reaching effects this has on employers and employees alike can be devastating.
Every week at Checkmate, we know we are not simply processing a company’s payroll, we are holding the livelihood of so many in our hands. While a $25 error in a paycheck, might seem like nothing, it can be the difference between being able to buy a box of diapers, support a school fundraiser or make a credit card payment. We take our role as a trusted partner very seriously and process every paycheck as if it were our own, striving to ensure everything is processed accurately and on time. We have taken this approach for over 20 years and use this philosophy in vetting potential financial institutions with which we plan to do business. We also pride ourselves on hiring independent auditors to maintain SSAE 16 certification to ensure we have the right checks and balances, protocols and security measures in place to protect our clients, our employees and the thousands of employees we serve each week. We know how daunting it can be to select a payroll vendor and entrust the security of your company’s largest and most important asset – your employee’s livelihoods – with an outside firm. That is why, it is so much more than just processing a payroll to us.