Labor Law Posters: Updates and Proper Placement. Are You Sure You’re In Compliance?
Like many employers, you obtained your federal and state labor law posters and hung them in the employee break room and assumed you met the requirements. In many instances, you may not be in compliance and your company could be subjected to fines and other penalties. What may seem like… Read More

Why 2017 Will Be the Year of Human Resources
As unemployment rates steadily decline and skilled worker shortages are on the rise, workforce rules and regulations continually are in flux and companies are looking to blend the culture of their shrinking baby-boomer employee base with Generations X-Z and incoming millennials, the vital role played by Human Resources in ensuring a… Read More

6 Employee-Appreciation Awards That Encourage Employees to Show Each Other Some Love
As a newer employee at a firm where I worked in Orlando, one morning I walked in to find a statue of Mickey Mouse sitting prominently on my desk. I kept wondering why someone would leave such a strange “gift” for me, especially where I did not really know anyone… Read More

Labor and Employment Law Basics
All employers need to be aware of the labor laws and be in compliance with all payroll, employee time tracking and other labor rules. The cost of non-compliance can be quite steep. The information provided in this article attempts to create awareness of some of the more… Read More

Failure to Punch: Honest Mistake or a Dishonest Attempt at Time Stealing? How Do You Correct It?
Most people are honest individuals who do, on occasion, forget to punch in before jumping into their to-do list for the day or who may potentially encounter a technical issue with a time-tracking system. Unfortunately; however, there are those select few who conveniently “forget” to clock in as a way… Read More

7 Reasons Your Frankenstein HCM System Should Scare You!
Do you currently utilize “an HCM solution” that is actually made up of several separate systems that you or your predecessors have somehow cobbled together to try to make them function as one? That is what we lovingly like to refer to as a Frankenstein HCM system. It probably comes… Read More

Best Practices for Terminating Employees
Sooner or later, every small business manager must face the task of terminating an employee. This is a task that can be unpleasant at a minimum and dangerously expensive if not handled carefully. You must remember that there are laws that provide employees with rights that you must not violate. Read More

Don’t Include These 5 Questions on Your Job Applications
by Jennifer Kretovic, SHRM-CP, PHR Like most, I read industry articles related to the work I do. In my case, I read about trends in HR, particularly those directly related to the technology projects I am constructing for clients here at Checkmate Workforce Solutions. Last… Read More