Maine First State to Require Paid Leave for Any Reason
While many states are enacting paid family leave and/or paid sick time laws, Maine is the first state to take things a step further. Starting January 1, 2021, under L.D. 369, Maine employers will be required to provide their employees with paid personal leave under its Earned Employee Leave Act. … Read More

Make Life Easier for Yourself and Your Employees – Simplify Your Time Off Policy
Do you frequently find yourself wanting to nominate certain employees for an Emmy, or better yet, a Razzie when they attempt to portray themselves as being at death’s door with a cold in order to miss a day of work when they have used up vacation and/or personal days? Sick… Read More

Mandatory Sick Pay for Vermont Starts January 1st. Here’s What You Need to Know.
Under Vermont bill H.187, effective January 1, 2017, most Vermont employers will be required to provide employees with mandatory sick pay. There are a number of variables to use for your PTO accruals to ensure that you are in compliance with the new law. Here are the details: Which… Read More

Failure to Punch: Honest Mistake or a Dishonest Attempt at Time Stealing? How Do You Correct It?
Most people are honest individuals who do, on occasion, forget to punch in before jumping into their to-do list for the day or who may potentially encounter a technical issue with a time-tracking system. Unfortunately; however, there are those select few who conveniently “forget” to clock in as a way… Read More

Killing Time: Is Your Corporate Culture Destroying PTO Benefits?
As we head into the last month of summer and stores commence with their Back-to-School bargains, many of us try to squeeze in those last bits of family vacation time with our loved ones while we still can…or, at least, we used to try. The US Travel Association through its… Read More